Self-Care Made Simple


Self-care is often portrayed as this endless list of chores one must make every day to think they are doing the right thing. 

I went from elaborate ten-step skincare routines, different from day and night, spay days, exotic silence retreats, and continuous hours of meditation, feeling grateful for every minute. We are constantly pushed towards being the best version of ourselves regarding our self-care; however, we also live in a world that is always running, and we barely have the time to slow down and have the perfect wellness routine we see on social media. 

Yet, we have good news for you! You don’t need the 10-step skincare to have a self-care routine, and you also don’t need to wake up every day at five in the morning to meditate or work out for two hours straight, unless, of course, that makes you feel good and that is what you want to do! Self-care doesn’t have to be this extravagance, expensive system, or routine. Despite what the media displays, there’s a different form of perfect self-care for everyone, and today, we give you simple ways of self-care, making it easy to do in your day instead of a hard pill you can barely swallow due to lack of time. 

Moving your Body

As students, we are constantly trying to get everything done at the pace of one day, and because of this, we can struggle with the time to make our meals, make a proper time slot for a workout session, or have enough hours of sleep. 

Workouts nowadays have become an aesthetic or a trend, so choosing one and sticking with it can become tricky, especially when popularity jumps between many different practices. However, putting your body through some movement has benefits for you for your energy through the rest of your day. 

For this reason, going beyond an aesthetic, working out is the perfect self-care practice to commit to throughout your week, and here are some options for you to try out that will leave you refreshed and ready to take on your week.  

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A Little Groove

What better way to get some movement done than dancing? Blast some good tunes on your headphones or a speaker and dance for fifteen minutes in the morning or before bed. Take a break from your task, or wake up and dance for a while. 

Get your heart rate up and prepare your body to face the day’s tasks by doing dance moves or quick cardio exercises like doing 20 jumping jacks on the spot. You will like you can take on the word afterward, trust me. 

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Do Workouts You Enjoy

A workout does not have to be a two-hour session to succeed. You can easily do three times a week an activity you enjoy for 30-45 minutes, and you are set with your energy for the week. Take walks, or do a quick strength workout or activities like swimming or cycling. Something you enjoy and can incorporate into your routine does not feel like a chore. 

Care for your Body

Besides having a good workout, taking care of your body: giving it enough rest, providing energy through nourishing meals, and not constantly putting through stress can be managed quite easily with these activities. 

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Quality Sleep Hours

Despite this being an arduous task for a student, this is so necessary for our daily energy levels throughout the week. Prioritize having at least between six and seven hours of sleep during the night. Make your bed a temple during the night so sleep is easier. Play white noise in the background, dim the lighting, and have comfortable bedding. 

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Nourish and Fuel

Having a nourishing meal and giving your body the proper nutrients from various foods will make you feel like a superhero. Check out my previous article here on eating the rainbow

Think of colorful meals and varying ingredients as you try different things. Healthy eating should be exciting since there are so many different options for you to try out. Eat something that will make your body feel alive and ready instead of tired and numb. 

Give your Mind a Rest

While taking care of our bodies is essential for self-care, taking care of our mind means not constantly putting ourselves through an overload of dopamine from our phones and situations around us, which is crucial for how we feel throughout the week. 

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Being Mindful

Take a few minutes during the day to take a deep breath and clear your head from whatever stress you may feel from others. You can opt for meditation, or deep breath exercises can bring you into the present moment and make you focus on yourself instead of others. Silence everything around you, or focus on one thing, breathe, relax, and let the rest disappear for a few minutes. Having a clear head will give you the benefit of mental rest and clarity. 

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Creative Work

We all need a little something throughout our day to relax and not overthink every move. Invite creative work into your life, and you are secure enough to give yourself that time. Express yourself freely through arts and crafts such as writing, music, drawing, or even doodling. Create something for yourself or with friends, and your entire body will thank you as you connect with the inner world of your mind. 

Allow Yourself to Connect 

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Your People…

Your friends or the people you surround yourself with should give you peace instead of stress. Nurture the friendships that don’t feel like a burden, spend time with them, and find a connection with those you love and want to be around. 

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A Little Green in Your Life

Find a moment to connect with nature. Take a walk, visit a park, or look up to the sky and take a deep breath. There’s a calmness in nature and a positive effect on your mind and body. 

Self-care is about oneself and the practices one chooses to do to improve one’s well-being. You decide what feels suitable for you, what you can do every day, make it a part of your routine, reach fulfillment through your day, and recharge and clear your head. Self-care is about having harmony with yourself preserving your energy, and it’s essential. Because of that, it never has to feel forced upon you by anyone else. Start with something small, a little practice, then go from there. Remember that self-care is a personal journey, not a competition, and consistency is critical. So, instead of doing it for others, show up for yourself!  

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Valeria Jaramillo
Valeria Jaramillo
Hi! My name is Valeria Jaramillo. I am a 3rd year BIR student from Ecuador and I just enjoy writing about life.

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