Eating the Rainbow


Which foods will boost your mood and brainpower?

Regarding food and its relationship with our bodies, it has always felt tricky to think we are doing the right thing. Food is no different in a world where most things become a trend, from keto, where carbohydrates are a no-go, to intermittent fasting, where having breakfast or late-night dinner can be a no-go. There’s constantly some discovery about the right step regarding our health and our diets, which would make us feel the best version of ourselves and provide us with the right energy to face a busy day.

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I’m one of those who has tried it all at one point, always looking for the right thing, and I can say nothing has ever felt as right as the new term I have been trying to encourage everyone to go for instead of any diet that constantly makes you feel tired, and that is to Eat the Rainbow.

Go for colorful plates full of nutrients and rich flavor that will make you energized and happy rather than stressed or frustrated. Your meals should give you joy; I can say mine do for the first time in years.

Perhaps the term has a more scientific meaning, but how I describe it is filling your plate with color, which means foods rich in nutrients that will considerably boost your mood and brainpower.

rainbow oven tray
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Here are some benefits of making your plate a colorful mix.

  • Improved Mood: Eating a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, amongst other ingredients to enhance your meals, can help you improve your mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Foods that contain Folate and vitamins such as B6, C, and E are great options for this.
  • Grow Your Brain Power: We never talk about the connection between our brains and the foods we consume daily. Eating the rainbow can help you improve brain function, including better focus and memory. Foods rich in antioxidants will be your friend if this is your goal since they improve blood flow into the brain.
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Now, here is your next grocery list… These are some of the most common foods that are rich in nutrients and colorful!

Red Foods

Tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, and grapefruit are great options for the red color on your plate. They all contain antioxidants that will benefit your heart health, protect your skin, and increase your energy levels throughout the day.

Yellow & Orange Foods

Fruits such as bananas, oranges, lemons, pumpkins, and carrots contain vitamin C, an essential supplement for overall brain health. They provide electrolytes, enforce healthy joints, and reduce inflammation.

Green Foods

Leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, cucumber, and broccoli are the perfect option for adding a little green to your plate. They contain vitamin B and improve your immune system overall.

Blue Foods

Blueberries, eggplant, cabbage, and grapes are significant options that contain benefits for memory improvement, cell rejuvenation, healthy blood vessels, and a healthy heart.

White and Brown Foods

Onions, cauliflower, mushrooms, nuts, and garlic contain fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamins B3 and K1. The benefits of these foods are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and the nuts contain healthy fats, which are essential for a healthy brain.

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Final tips regarding the mindset of eating the rainbow: Always go for variety. The point is to eat foods rich in nutrients; for that, you should always be discovering new dishes. Try different cuisines with different flavors that might contain the foods mentioned above, and always try to mix the colors. The more, the better for you and your energy levels. Go for whole foods instead of processed meals since they lead to feeling more tired throughout the day and even worsen your mood.

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Eating the rainbow is the perfect solution to feel your best this new semester and the perfect excuse to try new restaurants. Choosing meals rich in color and nutrient value, vegetables and fruits, will be the best decision for your health and overall well-being, significantly improving your brain function and increasing your energy and mood throughout your day and week instead of decreasing.

Make the choice today to start eating the rainbow!  

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Valeria Jaramillo
Valeria Jaramillo
Hi! My name is Valeria Jaramillo. I am a 3rd year BIR student from Ecuador and I just enjoy writing about life.

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