Out and Allies | Meet the Club


Out & Allies club is IE’s LGBT+ student organization that focuses on educational, professional, and social events. They provide a safe space for all LGBT+ students and allies. They try to create a more inclusive campus through initiatives and events.

The next event hosted by the Out & Allies club is the annual LGBT@Work conference. LGBT+@Work is an annual conference that aims to promote the free exchange of ideas and provide a unique networking platform for LGBT+ students, LGBT+ professionals, and allies. Now in its 14th year, LGBT+@Work is hosted by the IE Out and Allies Club, IE University’s student-led LGBT+ organization. Save the date: July 1 – 2.  Register now ➡️  https://lnkd.in/dx4qfmr

“It is our mission this year to dive past surface-level definitions of “diversity” and explore its more multifaceted layers — even within our own community. We will challenge speakers and guests to not only learn more about marginalized populations, but to ingest new perspectives, apply them to their own lives, and find innovative ways to integrate new ideas into their companies’ programs of inclusion.” – Tyler Brklacich, President of IE Out and Allies Club.

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Find more about the Out and Allies Club below.

Interview with Tyler Brklacich, President Of IE Out And Allies Club And Chair Of The Sponsorship Committee at LGBT@Work.

Who can join the Out and Allies Club?

The club is open to everyone at the university, all students, staff, faculty and alumni can join.

What is your club most proud of?

Our existence as a club and the representation of marginalized students, is what I am most proud of. More so, a lot of students come from countries or homes that do not allow them to be themselves, and providing a safe-space and introducing individuals to groups of people that are authentic and love all of themselves, is a beautiful thing.

 What is the club looking forward to next year? 

We will focus on creating a stronger community and more professional events for students to utilize to network.

How can people contact you, join, or participate?

Just like any other club, they can use the Clubs Portal to sign up to our club and receive notifications of our events. They can contact me personally at tylerbrklacich@student.ie.edu as well to be introduced to our more personal community via WhatsApp and social events.

Why does IE need a club like this one?

Diversity is much more than a few quick line items to check off — it is a constant state of growth and learning as individuals and an institution. Our collective student body is a whole of students who represent beauty in thought, ideas, and innovation, and providing a safe space for a student to be completely themselves allows them to capitalize on their talent, which positively contributes to the entire student body and University.

What have you learned as coordinator of the club? 

No matter how out and proud I am, there is always hesitation or fear of rejection but time and time again, I am reminded of the tremendous support for LGBT+ people by allies and fellow students. More so, it is always incredible to see the growth of fellow students, from their first day and after many questions and conversations, to be more aware and understanding of LGBT+ people and issues.

COVID has thrown everything for a loop as you all know, so our events have changed or been canceled/delayed due to that, however, below are some events we have hosted in the past.

  1. Diversity Dialogues: this is an educational opportunity for students to come to learn about subjects such as intersectionality, racial equality, LGBT+ issues, etc. in a safe environment.
  2. LGBTea: We try to host a weekly get-together on campus for students to relax and meet one another to expand their social circles and campus community.
  3. European Business Schools: We have recently connected with a handful of other LGBT+ business school organizations to reach beyond IE. They have hosted mixers to connect and meet one another.
  4. McCann Professional Event: Eddie was in the process of planning a networking event with McCann, with three or four panelists, to discuss insights into being LGBT+ at McCann, working opportunities, and professional advice. Unfortunately, this was scheduled the week that Spain went into lockdown and had to be postponed — we are hoping to have it in August.
  5. Student Bites: Working with myGwork, an LGBT+ professional platform, we have created webinars with Santander and others for IE students to engage with LGBT+ members of Human Resources to hear of their experiences and opportunities within their company.

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About the LGBT@Work Conference.

Why should people attend the event? 

This is an opportunity for students and people around the world to hear from incredible LGBT+ professionals and allies who are doing deliberate and effective work in their companies and communities. We all are never done learning and this is a platform to share ideas and for viewers to learn what people and companies are doing to then grow personally and to take back to their companies to encourage change that is needed.

Who is behind the organization of the event? 

IE Out & Allies club are the organizers of the conference every year with the support of Campus Life. Currently, Tyler Brklacich, President, and Eddie Carrillo, Vice President, have co-led the event.

What is new in this year’s conference? 

Due to COVID-19, @Work’s planning committee has been working vigorously to ensure this year’s conference was not canceled. We have moved LGBT+@Work 2020 to be fully online on the evenings of July 1 & 2. We are disappointed we will be unable to host an in-person event, but excited about the newest opportunities to reach a global audience and have high-level speakers from around the world.

What is one thing you wish for people to take from the conference? 

That the work is not over. Just because LGBT+ rights have been elevated over the past decade, there is still so much more to do, especially for our Trans community. We must continually educate ourselves and not just about people and ideas that we see in ourselves, but other communities — even within the LGBT+ community. As we give the platform to marginalized people, we must listen and learn and then celebrate each others growth and individuality.


You can find them on here; Instagram, LinkedIn, Campus Groups. 

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