Segovia – Sunday, October 6, students enjoyed an informal speaking event at the bar Daddy Cool, just off of plaza mayor down _ street. The theme of this informal Leap Conference event was ‘mistakes’ and how one can learn from them. Originally there was meant to be two speakers, but one had to cancel last minute. Nonetheless, it was good times and good vibes, with colorful stories under the rainbow glow of the bar’s neon lamps.
The first speaker was Micheline Salame who owns and operates the influential beauty supply distributer Aïshti. Mrs. Salame started off by explaining her career’s development. She started her business with her brother when she was 18. She had partially left school to follow her opportunity and in the end it worked out as she was able to create a valuable and worthwhile brand. Despite this nearly flawless success (something she even said surprised her) she had seen her fair share of mistakes. The example she left for the listeners was when she had released one of her most profitable clients based on a quick, baseless decision. This quick thinking ended up harming her company, but not so much so that she went under.
From her mistake, she hopes the students in attendance learn to never say ‘tomorrow’, as opportunity comes when you take it, as proved by her miraculous start-up experience. Secondly, you never know anything, so you should never assume a quick decision that may seem beneficial at the moment to be something to look back on with approval. You should tread carefully, but jump on the opportunity you know you can achieve.
Following Mrs. Salame, the new guest speaker Danielle Hadife, owner and operator of Carachere Events. She related the story about how she had worked with Mrs. Salame in the past, and how their relationship ended in disaster following an incident related to an overdosed panther. Eventually the problems subsided, but the same lessons held firm. She stated that its best to be prepared for some incidents because they are bound to happen.
After these two speakers, the students sitting haphazardly around began sharing their stories of failure and eventual triumph (in some but not all cases). There were laughs and music and general fun to be found throughout. Perhaps it was unrecognized in the planning, but this author appreciates the fact that an informal talk about mistakes should find itself being hosted in a bar. Mistakes will be made, and it is best if we don’t repeat them.