Adam Rose Candidacy Announcement & Conflict of Interest Resolution Statement


To my Readers & Fellow Students,

I hope this letter finds you and your families well during these uncertain times. As you will have seen, Student Government Elections have been announced and will be held this month. Prior to this official  announcement, I received an offer from Student Presidential Candidate Adimar Hernandez and Team White to be brought on as the Academics Officer for Segovia. After much consideration, I accepted the offer on Thursday, February 27th. This acceptance obviously generates a conflict of interest, not only with the Stork but also with the Debate Clubs who will be helping to organize an upcoming debate between the Teams as I am the current Social Forum Branch Leader with the Segovia chapter.

Some of you may have noticed that I continued to write with the Stork on the SG after accepting the offer. This is for two reasons: first, while my replacement SG Correspondent was being found and trained, I wanted to continue to update students on such matters; second, as elections were being delayed – with discussions of postponement until September – I did not want to abandon my position at the Stork waiting in limbo.You will also notice my only article posted between February 27th and now regarding the elections postponement was careful not to announce candidates or give any advantages to any Team.

However, now that election dates have been officially set, in order to resolve this conflict of interest, I will be taking an immediate leave of absence from both the Stork and the Segovia Debate Club until the winning team is announced on the 27th. At that point in time, I will reevaluate my position(s) with the Stork.

During the elections, in their official capacities, I have asked both the members of the Stork and the Debate Clubs to remain objective in carrying out their duties; for the Stork to continue to provide full coverage of this election in a critical and honest manner, and for the the Debate Clubs to host a fair and unbiased debate amongst the Teams.

I want to wish you all well, wherever you are. In keeping with the trend of 2020, this completely digital elections will be an experience for all of us. I would like to close by thanking you all for having had me as your SG Correspondent, and by wishing all the Candidates luck in this election.



Adam Rose,

Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Student Affairs, & Senior SG Correspondent – LOA


Adam Rose
Adam Rose
Adam is an IEU Class of 2023 Business Administration and International Relations alumnus. A United Nations Millennium Ambassador and a UNSSC Social Impact Award Recipient, he has an affinity for strategic partnerships, sustainable enterprises, and crisis management. Adam has affiliations with societies such as MCN, Nova Talent, and the National Academy Foundation. He has served on the Stork's Advisory Board since its founding in 2020.

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