Spring in Segovia: Finale


As the semester draws to a close and the cool spring days are replaced with the scorching summer heat, we also have to bid farewell to our Spring in Segovia series. To make sure we are able to enjoy the last few weeks before the heat becomes unbearable we have prepared the ultimate spring essentials list including what to wear, what to put in your bag and of course some refreshing drinks!

What’s in My Bag Spring Edition

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Illustration Courtesy of Antonia Powers

It’s finally time to say goodbye to those heavy jackets in favor of light and fun options such as that summer dress sitting in the back of our closets. To help with this transition, of being able to once again enjoy the warm sun and admire the beautiful green scenery, I very much enjoy having everything I need in my bag.  

You see, what I love most about spring and summer is the amount of activities you can do! Especially if you live in Segovia. Since it’s no longer freezing, you can go to the hills and have an aesthetic picnic whilst watching the mesmerizing sunset. You can take long walks, go to the lake with your friends, enjoy a nice refreshing drink at Plaza, and if you want to take the extra step, plan a trip and go somewhere! It can range from La Granja, to Madrid, to Barcelona, to the South of Spain, you name it. 

Since there is so much activity and moving around happening, I love having my bag with me at all times and making sure I have everything I need. So without further ado, below you can find a list of things that are essential to keep in your bag during the springtime.  

  1. Tune in with music 

When I say I can’t live without music, I mean I need to have my earbuds with me 24/7. They are so useful. I love listening to music when I’m walking from one place to another, sometimes I even listen to podcasts on Spotify. 

  1. Made of money 

I always bring my wallet with me in case of an emergency. It’s always nice to have some money with you in case you need to call a taxi or buy something at the supermarket. It’s also encouraged to carry your ID with you, just make sure you don’t lose it. 

  1. Bells of home 

Keys. Always remember to bring your keyes. Unless you’re very lucky and can always count on your roommate to open the door for you, I would have my keys with me. Especially if you plan on returning home at 5:00am. 

  1. My life saver   

Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Just in case you didn’t get it, SUNSCREEN! The sun is hotter than ever right now so if you want to avoid looking like a lobster and going through a very uncomfortable pain, wear sunscreen. Sunscreen has many benefits such as reducing your chances of getting skin cancer, preventing wrinkles, avoiding hyperpigmentation, and stopping DNA damage. This goes out to absolutely everyone! Even if you feel like you don’t need it, I promise you, you’ll thank me in a few years. 

  1. Shades 

Sunglasses are a must! Not only do they make you look like a total rock star but they also reduce the likelihood of getting skin cancer, can prevent macular degeneration, my personal favorite which is reduce migraines, and give you a clear vision. 

  1. An extra boost 

I am 100% a snacker. I tend to go hungry but not enough to have a full meal, which is why I like carrying little snacks. This can range from having a banana or a small pringles jar. Just a little something to stop me from becoming hangry. Just make sure that if you are bringing snacks, you have a little trash bag you can put the rappers in and avoid leaving trash out in the open.

  1. Water is life 

Being hydrated is very important. It’s always nice to have a water bottle with you in case you get thirsty, especially if you are going up to the hills. You’ll definitely appreciate having it there. Just make sure it’s not a plastic bottle, try using a thermos instead. 

  1.  Baby kit 

It never hurts to bring a baby kit with you. People usually keep “bathroom” like essentials in these. What I usually put in these are a bit of makeup, lip balm, hand cream, perfume, wet ones, adderall, and scrunchies. If there is something beauty or simply hygiene related I would definitely place it here. 

  1. Sorry, but we are still in a pandemic 

Sorry, but we are still in a pandemic. Even though people are getting vaccinated, curfew is no more, and cities are slowly reopening again. COVID-19 is still a thing. Which is why I always make sure to have at least two masks with me and a hand sanitizer.  

Written by Anika Robinson

Spring Essentials

After all these exams are you ready for summer holidays? If yes, here’s a list of some must have items for this break!

  1. A Unique Bathing Suit 

I don’t know about you, but I am very tired of seeing everyone wearing literally the SAME Oysho or Calzedonia bikini on the beach. So, be the change! Go look for vintage or unique bathing suits in little shops in Madrid or in your city! This year it will be different!

If you don’t know where to start looking, here’s some brands I love! 

  • Tropic of C, a brand launched by the stunning Candice Swanepoel.
  • Aggie Swimwear, the most sustainable, other than gorgeous, swimsuit line.
  • Heavy manners if you are looking for amazing colours and flower prints!
  • Zaful offers a lot of choices at super low prices, worth checking out.
  • Discover your own! (and share it with us 😉 ).
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Bikini from Heavy Manners 
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Bikini from Tropic of C


2) Sunglasses 

For me, nothing yells “summer” like a new pair of sunglasses. The more eccentric, the better! I love going to shops like Bijoux Brigitte or Parfois and just try out every pair of sunnies until I find the perfect ones to use for the whole holiday or for partying! Also, getting them in these cheap shops, you don’t have to worry about ruining them at the beach with sand and salt! These are some pairs I love from a very small brand called Floucia, make sure to check it out!

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3) A Giant Hat 

I am always amazed by the huge straw hats my Instagram feed gets full of during the beach season; but for some reason I have never found the perfect one. So, I decided this will be the year, and I will start looking for my perfect hat as soon as possible. 

Picture courtesy of @giuliagaudino
Picture courtesy of @philineroepstorff


4) A Great Book

Finally, with less school work, we can dedicate more time to reading and discovering new things. So, go to a bookshop and buy a book about something you don’t know a lot about, whether it is about acroyoga, the biography of a person you admire or a genre you’ve never tried reading. For example, I really like reading books about psychology, as it’s something I don’t really know anything about and is very far from my field of study. Just go and discover!

And last but not least…

5) A lot of will to party and enjoy time with friends!

Now that it is finally summer, we definitely have to enjoy these three months of freedom! Nothing like saying goodbye to Sego a few days ago made me think more about how important it is to appreciate every second spent with your beloved ones and to make memories together. Take advantage of this moment of less restrictions to experiment with everything you can think of (always staying safe), from trying out a new sport to travelling or getting a car and just driving around and exploring with friends. There are endless possibilities!

Written by Francesca Rossini

Refreshing Summer Drinks

Exams are over and summer is around the corner! Time to spend our worry free days enjoying the warm weather and sunshine. So, what goes perfectly with those long BBQ days or pool parties? Cool drinks ! Time to skip the beer and impress your friends with these easy yet delicious and refreshing drinks, my personal favourite is the cucumber lemonade ! 

Passion-Fruit and Mint Juice

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The perfect combination of sweet and sour ! 

What you’ll need: 

  • Small handful of mint leaves 
  • 4 small passion fruits (2-3 if large in size)
  • 3 glasses of water
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 2 TSP of sugar
  • Ice (optional)


  1. First you need to get the juice from the passion fruits. Cut them in half and extract the ‘juice’ (with the seeds) with a spoon.
  2. Combine the passion fruit juice into a blender with the other ingredients
  3. Blend until combined and taste test ! Depending on preference, you can add more sugar for sweetness or water (be careful not to over do it otherwise the juice will be very watery) 
  4. If you want, strain the juice to remove the seeds otherwise they’ll lay at the bottom of your glass. 
  5. Pour into a glass and enjoy !

Remember: Passion fruits are very acidic so, even though it may seem like little juice, be careful not to over indulge. 

Mint-Cucumber Lemonade

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A great twist on a classic and so easy to make ! Now, I know what you’re thinking: cucumber? In a lemonde? Well, I too was sceptical at first but trust me, it’s a game changer.

What you’ll need: 

  • 3 Lemons (more depending on taste preference)
  • 2 TSP of sugar
  • Small handful of mint leaves
  • 4 cucumber slices 
  • Ice (optional)                                                        

Instructions: squeeze the lemon juice into a blender and add the rest of the ingredients. Blend until everything is mixed and voila ! Make sure to try the lemonade before pouring and you can decide whether you want it to be more sweet or acid. If using ice be careful not to use too much water as it will take away the taste. 

Tinto De Verano 


A sweet, fruity and refreshing favourite ! 

What you’ll need: 

  • 1 bottle of young, fruity red wine (not the most expensive one but also not the cheapest to avoid a killer hangover)
  • 1 bottle of lemon soda (can also be orange if you prefer)
  • 1 orange sliced lengthways
  • 1 lemon sliced lengthways
  • Ice


Instructions: In a large pitcher add the ice and then pour the wine. After, pour the lemon soda and add the slices of orange and lemon. Give it all a stir and serve ! 

Pina Colada 

For those cheat days when you wish COVID wasn’t a thing and you could be sitting by the beach in Mexico. 

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Image taken from Food Network 

What you’ll need:

  • ½ a pineapple, cut into pieces (pro tip, use frozen pineapple for a thicker drink)
  • White rum to taste 
  • 2 TSP of sugar 
  • 1 TSP coconut cream
  • 1 glass of pineapple juice 
  • Ice

Instructions: Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, it’s as easy as that ! Taste it and then make it your own, decide whether you like it virgin or not (personally I find they taste better with the rum). 

Moscow Mule 

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A stronger drink but ice cold and perfect for those summer aperitivos

What you’ll need:

  • Juice from half a lime
  • 2oz Vodka
  • One ginger beer 
  • Ice, cubed 

Instructions: Squeeze lime juice into glass (best results in copper mug), add ice cubes then pour vodka and lastly ginger beer. Stir and enjoy ! So easy and so good. 

I hope you guys try out and enjoy these recipes ! Impress your friends and family with your skills and save some euros, make it at home. Trust me, homemade tastes so much better that you’ll neve go back to store bought.  

Written by Olivia Arias

We hope you enjoy this last installment of Spring in Segovia and will soon be bringing you some summer content!

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