Six Ways to Spend Your Time Wisely During Uncertain Moments


For sure, we all had plans we were looking forward to this summer! I strongly believe that everything is happening for a reason. Therefore, I would invite you to reflect upon yourself and think about how you can shift the perspective in transforming this situation into an opportunity that will benefit you from all points of view. Here are six ways you could spend your time during uncertain moments. 

First of all, take that time to start journaling: create a space where you can let yourself go while writing down all your emotions, sensations and feelings. This way you will free yourself from everything that retains you. Listen to your own interior thoughts. Put them down into paper and see how suddenly the flow suddenly follows. Doing so will for sure liberate you! 

Secondly, take time to cultivate your relationships you have been building so far during the past years spent at university and really appreciate them. Be grateful towards them and consider each of your personal relationships a gift. See how each of them has been able to bring you to a certain place, moment and achievement in your life. Whenever you can, send them a message of pure bliss, happiness and joy telling them that you are glad that they came into your life! You do receive more than you give. 

Thirdly, take the time to truly exercise your creativity through any artistic activity such as painting, writing, dancing or even listening to music. In this life we are facing, we tend to forget that less is more: we are constantly controlled by our daily problems, new technologies, events, news on the TV and lastly our never-stopping notifications from our phone. It is now or never to take the time to take a break and do some creative activities. The rest will naturally follow. 

Fourthly, set yourself some goals and projects you never really could achieve. Commit yourself now more than ever to those sets of intentions and realize them. We always tend to think that the perfect moment to do so will come one day, but the truth is, that perfect moment does not exist. This is why I recommend you to take that first step and be consistent with your goals, as consistency is the key to it. Take advantage of every moment motivation comes to you to keep up with your goals and pour your soul into them. Keep working hard on them and see how fast the results will come, sometimes unexpectedly! 

Fifthly, take the time to truly disconnect from all technologies surrounding you ranging from your phone, to your Ipad and computer. I know for sure that this one is pretty hard and challenging to do, but think how rewarding it will be for you once you start to cultivate this habit of using your phone mindfully. We need to put some distance and detach ourselves from the virtual world and instead go explore the real world around us. Go outside for a walk along the river, the beach, or wherever you may wish to go, and start breathing, living the present moment. Take the time to admire the beauty and excellence of nature around yourself, the sun lightening your heart, the breeze caressing you. Be grateful for it. 

Last but not least, take this time to dedicate yourself some self-love because you fully deserve it. It is your moment. Do not let anything or anyone take over it. You possess it. Use that time to finally do what your heart has been always telling you to do. Pursue your dreams, fulfill your deepest desires and live with the flow of life. Be in perfect harmony with your heart, mind, soul and body. Live the present moment, here and now and live it to the fullest!

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