Realistic Ways to Stay Fit Without a Gym This Summer

Nobody wants to replace those morning lie-ins with a long gym session, especially if you’re travelling around. So, here are a few tips and tricks to keep fit throughout this last month's vacation if you don't have access to a gym!

Spring in Segovia: Workout Challenge Finale

Well, I think it’s safe to say that this past week has been long and tough! Truthfully, between studying and classes it was difficult...

Spring in Segovia: Workout Challenge

Spring is finally here which can only mean one thing, summer is around the corner! After too many quarantines and wearing sweaters and coats...

Spring in Segovia: Activities

Spring is here, the sun is shining and it’s finally time to take off a layer (or two). Segovia is filled with COVID friendly...

Olivia Arias

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