Why Trusting Your Teammates Is Just As Important As Knowing Your Facts


Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States of America, is often described as charismatic, yet resolute. He was strongly determined to follow his political and economic agenda, and therefore valued the essence of working together for a common goal specifically:

“Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out”.

Ronald Reagan

Reagan understood not only the importance of assembling a capable team, but he understood trusting them to execute their tasks on their own.  

Trust is the key attribute of a successful leader. Only when a leader is able to recognize and leverage the strengths of a group to achieve collective objectives, will they succeed. And President Reagan contributed successfully to the easing of tensions and the ultimate end of the Cold War. Why? Because he trusted his team.

I study International Relations, a Bachelor that forms and develops future diplomats and politicians. For us specifically, it is essential to build up the skills necessary to successfully work and contribute to a team, as many of us aim to become part of big, diverse organizations like the United Nations. But, whilst all my fellow future diplomats and politicians definitely do not lack debate, knowledge, or confidence skills, I have noticed that not all, actually very few are capable of executing the final skill of teamwork, the trust in their teammates. 

Of course, it makes sense, why would you need to listen to your teammates’ opinions when you already know everything yourself, and you know even better how to sell this expertise in a charismatic way? I hate to break it to you, but you don’t. 

No human will ever know everything, and that’s the point of being human.Just like a good level of confidence, a good level of prudence should not be missing. Just like in any other aspect of life, balance is the key. As Socrates stated quite some time ago: 

“I know that I know nothing”.


I think it is actually quite funny how humans forget their humanity sometimes. Our made-up system of constant rivalry seems to be working so well that some lose their mind on the way up, or down. But to lose your mind is to lose the one thing that sets us apart from being animals. And what a world would we be living in if we all acted like animals? It would be straight-up bestial. 

But, let’s change our minds and stay optimistic like Reagan because just as we can lose our mind, we can get it back again. And what wonderful things humanity has achieved already when our minds connect, when they cooperate, when they trust. 

“Teamwork makes the dream work” is a deadbeat phrase with a lot of truth in it. Apparently, IE University is highly aware of this fact and thus places great value on teamwork.

I know for myself that it is not easy to let go when relying on others, especially when it is a project that affects your whole degree or is very dear to you. But I appeal to everyone, including myself, to at least put your mind to it. 

In a world as uncertain and challenging as we are living in right now, we need leaders who can not only talk but listen, leaders who are secure in their facts just like their mistakes, and leaders who can trust in themselves just like in others.

Featured image: retrieved from https://www.lma-consultinggroup.com/increase-teamwork-ensure-project-success/

Amelie Garnies
Amelie Garnies
I am Amelie, I am 20 years old and was born in the city of Munich in Germany. When I was 17 years old I moved to London to earn my International Baccalaureate. I am very passionate about History, Philosophy, and Politics, wherefore I am studying International Relations in Madrid right now. In the future, I wish to speak as many languages as possible, as I believe communication, whether written or oral, is the key to making the world a better place.

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