By Fernando Fierro Ramírez from IE Coding Club Madrid.
Have you ever wondered if you should learn to program? Have you ever thought of reasons why you should learn about this apparently “difficult” skill? Well, I have and let me tell you, there are many. Programming is becoming a very demanded skill amongst businesses; not only from programmers (which obviously is their specialty) but also from business, economics and even law students.
According to an article from Harvard Business Review, a survey was carried out in 2013, in which MBA students that had enrolled in CS50 (the introductory computer science course at Harvard University) had to answer whether they saw this rigorous course as a good investment of their time. Out of the many respondents, 83% answered “yes” and the remaining 17% answered “not sure;”, none of the respondents answered, “not worth it”. The respondents reported that the CS50 brought them many advantages, such as being able to write software, which meant saving thousands to some of the students’ startups and being able to contribute to coding tasks in big tech companies. These students could communicate with developers and had an advantage in the recruiting process when being compared to other Mba students.
Based on the results that these Harvard students got from learning about programming, we could say that learning this skill is worth it, but, in case you are still not sure, I am going to give you six reasons why you should learn to program:
You will become more efficient and productive.
Computers are great at doing repetitive tasks without getting tired and with 0% error. At the same time, reading your emails or managing your files is a repetitive task that you do nearly every day. Well, this task can be automated through programming, which will save you a lot of time. With basic programming skills, you will be able to do a better job in less time and with no errors. Therefore, writing your own programs will allow you to spend more time on more productive or important tasks.
You will understand how the software works.
Every day that you are using your computer, you are interacting with the program that is running in the background. Having a basic knowledge of coding and understanding the logic behind these programs will allow you to learn how to use new tools. This point is also linked to the first one, as understanding the software will make you more productive and, therefore, more valuable when working in a business.
You will improve your problem solving and thinking skills.
One of the main goals that coding has is to solve problems. Computer programs are meant to exist in order to solve problems for you. Learning how to program will not only give you technical skills in the area but also teach you a whole new way of thinking, that is how to solve problems. The very core of coding is to find a way to solve problems in a structured way, therefore learning how to code will teach you to pay more attention to detail, delivering better results.
You will be able to create a website of your own.
If you wish to start your own business, having a website is a must. Your website is what allows you to show what you have to offer to millions of people. You can also create a portfolio website to showcase your skills to potential employers, or your own blog or website for news on a specific topic, earning income through ads. Sounds good? Well, if you learn how to code, all of this will be the easy part.
Starting your own business.
If you learn how to code, you will be able to use your tech skills to start a business such as establishing an online shop, creating mobile applications, starting your own web design company, offering coding tutorials, etc. The possibilities are nearly infinite. Having a basic knowledge of coding will open new doors to you if you are willing to form a startup.
You will be able to achieve a higher income in the future.
Businesses are demanding professional developers as well as workers with other specialties but with basic knowledge on programming. Learning how to code will open opportunities to you career-wise. Having knowledge in this field will give you a competitive edge in the job market, and make you a very interesting candidate.
So to conclude this article I would personally advise you to start learning how to code NOW. The demand for people in this field is high, and we all know that when the demand for employees is high, they tend to have the upper hand. If you are aiming at starting your own company, as you saw, coding should also be a must.
Now a bit of propaganda: At the IE Coding Club, we are offering you the opportunity to get started in the world of coding. We are a group of enthusiastic students who are looking to transmit knowledge on the programming area to anyone interested in learning the basics. We would be very happy to welcome you to our events!
For more information:
Instagram: @iecodingclub_