The IE Theatre Club’s book – “The Success of Passion”


SEGOVIA – This story starts two years ago. Freshly enrolled at IE University Timothé Rigaudeau, now a fourth year in the BBA/BIR program, founded in conjunction with a classmate, Salvador Braedt, the IE Theatre Club.

During the past two years, Mr Rigaudeau led the club to perform two original plays: “The memories of the Rose and the Lion” – a collective script writing project– and a piece of his own imagination, “The Painter”. In each installment as many as thirty people collaborated in making his ideas and plans a reality. In each instance passion ran through the veins of each artist with their only desire being to see their work succeed.

The Theatre club has been extremely impactful to the IE community, to the point where Miguel Larrañaga, vice-rector of Student Affairs, claims such endeavor is “necessary”. Yesterday’s event, thus, symbolically marks the two years anniversary of a club that emanated from the vision of a young man who yearned to bring the arts to the broader community. 

In a business-casual presentation, the Theatre Club administration in conjunction with Edgar Gonzales, Federica Caso, and Clint Goodrich opened the floor for the reveal of a book that culminates the efforts of two years: “The Success of Passion”.

Theatre club

In a conversation with Mrs. Caso we got some insight into the creative process that went into the creation of the work:

“Through radiant colors and a playful composition we aimed to portray the lively spirit the Theater Club brings to the University. Designing this book was an extraordinary opportunity to work with people, staff and students, from various departments and collaboratively achieve this publication. As designers, our main goal was to visually convey the richness and character the Club has displayed throughout the past two years.” – Federica Caso, 3rd Year Bachelor in Design 

Mr. Rigaudeau also introduced the new president of this year’s theatre club, Ghali Laraqui, a third year BBA/BIR student. During the presentation Mr. Laraqui recognized the reach of the club’s influence in the IE community and the intrinsic importance of what was achieved, both for the team and the community as a whole.  Mr. Laraqui also elaborated on the club’s plans for this year, which will not solely ask its members to focus on the acting side, but also engage them in building every part of a theatrical production –- creating the lights and sets, inserting the music, and constructing the characters’ depth and clothing style. 

The goal, as Mr Laraqui explained, is to provide the members of this year’s club a holistic experience of theatre which, he believes, will greatly benefit them at a personal level.  

In a spirit of commemoration for the work and constant commitment that has been held by each year’s theatre collaborators, the IE Theatre Club book comes as an homage to Mr. Rigaudeau’s time as head of the club, and turns a new leaf, leaving Mr. Laraqui holding the reins. Regardless of the self-doubts and the frustration that were experienced throughout the years, this book comes as a physical expression of the efforts that people who barely knew each other, achieved together; in the end, what is remembered are the moments of joy, self-discovery, and in this case, success. 

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