Tags: Holidays


Ciclos finitos, soles eternos, noches de festejo, copas como espejos. Fiesta, ecos despiertos, desnudos paseos, y sentimientos a flor de piel.

A journey through the Himalayas: IE Transformational Leadership Journey 2024

During Spring break, second-year International Relations students, Angel Alonso and Borja Santos embark on a two-week journey through the Himalayas to reach Everest base camp.

Commodified Holidays and Lost Priorities

All the while candy brands change their logos to pastel colors, inclining people who celebrate Easter to purchase their products. It is strange that Gen Z and the current youth grew up with such commodified holiday experiences. Their paternal and maternal generations certainly did not experience it to the same exaggerated degree. 

Unwrapping the Magic of Latin American Christmas Celebrations

Grab your cafecito and come along to learn about the holiday experience in Latin America

Is Valentine’s Day a Hoax?

It is that time of the year again when birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and consumption of flowers and chocolate boxes is...

How We Celebrate Our Holidays Around the World

Every culture, every country, and every family has its own particularity for the holidays. Nevertheless, the arrival of winter holidays brings excitement shared between...

Realistic New Year’s Guide: A Guide on How to Set Them

Welcome to 2023! It's this time of the year when everyone is rushing to set their New Year's Resolutions, but beware! It can be...

Plan your Spring Break holiday with The Stork!

IE University’s spring break this year goes from the 9th of April to the 18th. Being in Spain, there are so many beautiful domestic...

48 Hours in Sofia

One thing Covid has made us do is rethink our travel destinations, encouraging us to discover what is close to Spain yet still unknown...

End This Year on a Sweet Note with Holiday Desserts

There is nothing better than being able to get together with our friends and family for these long-awaited holidays. You probably already have that...


Tutorie: A Student-to-Student Tutoring Platform

Tutorie is a student-to-student tutoring platform aiming to change the way tutoring works at IE University. The platform aims to change the way tutoring...

A Tale of Two Futures: Biden and Trump’s Competing Visions for America

As November draws nearer, the Stork brings you an overview of the US presidential elections and a recap regarding the main presidential candidates's track records.

NYSE Toys with 24/7 Trading

By Nicholas Beroud Every Monday through Friday for the past century, the iconic bell of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has rung at 9:30...