2024 Climate Change in Review: Extreme Weather and Climate Action

Last year was the hottest year on record. Though this phrase is a tune all too familiar by now. The last ten years have consecutively broken the record for hottest year. This goes to show that collective climate action is still lacking, as the effects of a warming globe become more drastic with each year that passes. 

A Dangerous Trump Administration Looms

As the U.S. President-elect Donald Trump prepares to enter the Oval Office, he has spent the past few weeks announcing his cabinet choices. To say his choices are concerning is only the beginning of a long analysis. 

Corporate Irresponsibility and Wealthy Nations Are Driving Climate Change

The next few years are key for ensuring that the world does not face the complete irreversible consequences of climate change. As a result,...

Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization

Globalization is an inevitable force that only grows stronger, transforming the world in drastic ways. It has transitioned the international community to become much...

Democracy at Risk: The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election 

There has historically been a level of respect between the Democratic and Republican parties, and their voters. However, this has been severely challenged since Donald Trump entered politics. This election is not about Republicans versus Democrats; it is about Trump versus American values.

Eloise Dayrat

I am a second year LLBBIR student. I am Colombian and French, but grew up in the US. I am also lactose intolerant, but my breakfast is still yogurt every morning. Sometimes I order my coffee with oat milk in it to compensate. I love music and spend the entirety of my excessively long metro ride to IE discovering artists. I love to run – that is when I don’t have class at 8am. And, I like to write, particularly about politics, history, and social movements and relations.
15 Posts