Love-struck Segovia: The MENA Club Sets Up Students


Dates are nerve-racking enough, but blind dates can be even more so. 

When getting together with someone new, in a new environment, probably in public, one can almost feel vulnerable. But, it can also be an excellent opportunity to meet new people one would otherwise have yet to meet. 

This was MENA or the Middle East and North Africa Club’s intentions and initiative for this year’s Valentine’s Day blind dates in the Segovia Campus. 

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Image courtesy of the MENA Club’s Instagram – @ieumena

It is essential to recognize the incredible effort the members of the MENA Club have put into making this an exciting opportunity. 

I spoke with Maryam Aldajani, a MENA Club officer and 1st year LLB BIR student from Palestine and Jordan. She told informed me about the process of making a perfect match: 

I can 100%  assure you it was the hardest project we have ever endured. The main goal behind it was entertainment because we thought it would be amusing for people to meet – especially since IE is known for its diverse community.

If you are curious about how they are carried out…

We sent out application forms where people could tell us more about themselves, and we sat there and read all the applications [to] try to match people with similar hobbies, interests… We even checked their Instagrams and tried our best to have the best possible match.

It took the MENA Club “days.”

Especially with the reservations and ensuring everyone who had signed up wanted to participate. But, I think it was a huge success: many people who went on these dates are friends now or are stating something [new] and going out more.

But it was worth all the hard work;

Overall, an amazing project!

MENA’s efforts were not just focused on finding a perfect romantic partner for the day; they also understood this was a fantastic way to make friends.

Maryam told me about the two applications, romantic and close dates, and why they took this route. 

Because Valentine’s is about love, and love is everywhere. Our main goal was to have people who want to make friends meet up and those who want something romantic to start something.

Although on paper this sounds amazing, how did going on a blind date this V-Day go? A friend, who chooses to remain anonymous, went ahead to give me some details about their night:

I was late, but the date went well. The agreement was we would all get together in the square, in the center – at the gazebo. And then, each couple decided what they wanted to do. In my case, we went to have a coffee in Pandora and talked for an hour and a half. At the end of the date, we decided we’d see each other another day. In the end, nothing happened, but the date went quite well. It was calm. I didn’t find it uncomfortable.

They also shared their overall thoughts on the experience of a blind date on Valentine’s Day – “It was a good experience to hang out and meet people, but it was just a Valentine’s Day thing. I don’t think anything profound could have come out of it.

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Image courtesy of the MENA Club’s Instagram – @ieumena

Blind dates can be intimidating for some people, but it’s a unique opportunity to jump out of your comfort zone, interact, and support the community.

Whether or not you can find your perfect valentine, it is still a fun experience to share with somebody. It can be a bonding memory and a starting point for a new friendship. 

We thank the MENA Club for doing something different and for this fun event! 

Be sure to follow them on Instagram too!

Christina Brusco
Christina Brusco
Editor of the Lifestyle Section in Madrid and third-year LLB-BIR student.

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    • What wasn’t as amazing was your exclusion of LGBTQ arabs in your event. LGBTQ Arabs at IE, and there are many, were not included at all in this event which just assumed everyone is straight. (???)

      Your form did not even bother asking who you are attracted to/who you would wanna go on a date with, instead just asking for your gender and matching u up with a partner of the opposite gender.

      Do better, not for some moral high ground, but for you Arab siblings you ignore.


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