La Pinta, La Niña y La Santa María

“La Pinta, La Niña y La Santa María” “Cristóbal Colón descubrió América en 1492”: Eso era lo que un estudiante promedio de Costa Rica...

Kiri Trees: a hack for sustainability 

Human evolution has been centered across the advances humans have imposed upon society, from the invention of agriculture to the outbreak of social media....

5 Rituals you can do for this Halloween

Halloween has always been related to the dark unknown: what happens after we die? Do we become ghosts? Do we go to Heaven? Hell?...

¿Cuántas faltas tengo?

Y en eso llega una manta raya y me cubre con sus alas dando vueltas como torbellinos y.…. ¿Qué es eso? ¿De dónde viene...

Grief: Wings that are meant for flying

One thing we can all be sure of, due to the nature of our dimension, is that there is always a beginning and an...

Valentina Traversone

6 Posts