IE Marketing Day

After multiple fruitful events, the Marketing Club is organising their biggest event yet. The IE Marketing Day on April 1st strives to provide the...

IE Marketing Club

With almost 2500 members and 86 past events, the Marketing Club is emerging as a prominent club within the IE community. The diverse and...

Recovery of the Public Airline Industry in Europe

As Europe recovers from Covid-19, so is the airline industry. Starting in May 2020, as countries started reducing restrictions, increasing demand for air travel, ...

Ukraine Tourism: Overlooked?

Ukraine is a beautiful yet overlooked country stained by the recent tragic events occurring on its eastern border. Ukraine is the second biggest country...

Samsung: Too big to fail?

The South Korean multinational conglomerate Samsung has been growing influence over our daily lives and by consequence its home country’s government.  Samsung is part...

Felix Veaux

10 Posts