The IE Engages Club | Club Profile


What is the IE Engages Club:

Its a newly established club, with the purpose of uniting both campuses in extracurricular activities. It works as a direct link with campus life, to promote and plan activities throughout the year.

Who can join the club, and do you need experience:

Currently, we are in need of new members from multiple backgrounds. Our current positions roam from volunteers to board members. Members will work as promoters, and will have the opportunity to establish contact with sponsors and other outside partners, in order to create the logistics of each of the events.

Does IE Engages Club collaborate with other clubs:

We have plans to collaborate with other clubs in the coming months. We have met with IE Art and Arts clubs, and plan to create meetings with others, to establish a solid connection.

Do you have anything your club has done so far you are proud of?

Since we are a new club our achievements are still to be in-house, because just like our club we are gaining experience and helping each other during the event planning and logistics processes. Nevertheless, we have a lot of things we want to offer to students, as means to enrich their experience.

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How can people contact you, join, or participate:

Our main social media outlet for contact is through Instagram. We also talked with interested students at the recent virtual club fair. Soon, we are staging a hybrid club event at Area 31 (zoom and in-person), where we will see if members or interested students have any suggestions, any events they’d like to promote or even help plan.

Why does IE need a club like this one:

As a student who started in Segovia, now in Madrid, there is definitely a rivalry between campuses that needs to be broken. IE is one campus, students should feel like they’re part of both campuses, as one big community. This bridge between campuses is what the IEEngages club is planning to help create.

How does this club embody IE’s values such as entrepreneurship, tech and innovation, humanities, and diversity:

We believe that our club encompasses all of IE’s values, in the realm of positions including entrepreneurship, sponsorship, marketing, and contacting outside stakeholders. This club is a replica of what IE is as an institution (except it is student-run), we have a diverse club makeup, our members have diverse interests, and together we all work together as a single unit to accomplish what needs to be done for the club.

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