IE Ukraine Club: Strengthening the IE Community


New friends, moves, experiences, dorms, frequent sleep deprivation, classes, friendly breaks, funny life stories, great teachers, missed classes, crazy parties – all of this is part of student life. Student years are the brightest and most unforgettable times. They are filled not only with joy and carefreeness but also with a desire to learn the basics of their perhaps future profession.

One of the most important aspects of a student’s life is activities at university, of course in our case at IE University. Taking an active part in extra academic activity is important at least for personal development and at most for the improvement of the student community. And this is what I and my wonderful team of my club are trying to do to develop it more.

Meet the IE Ukraine Club

The IE Ukraine Club is a thriving community within IE University, driven by a shared passion for Ukrainian culture, history, and technology. Our mission is to create an inclusive space where both Ukrainian and international students can come together to explore, appreciate, and celebrate Ukraine through various engaging activities and events.

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Our Vision and Ambitious Initiatives

The IE Ukraine Club has charted an exciting course with a clear vision and a range of dynamic initiatives aimed at enhancing the IE University experience.

Business and Technology Enrichment 

We curate enlightening events featuring successful entrepreneurs and accomplished Ukrainians working in renowned global companies. We plan to create events that can provide valuable insights into the ever-evolving worlds of business and technology.

Charitable initiatives 

Our commitment to humanitarian causes and, of course, our support for Ukraine motivates us to raise funds for important initiatives, humanitarian aid, reconstruction aid, and anything that helps make Ukraine stronger.

Cultural extravaganza 

Immerse yourself in Ukrainian culture through our various events, perhaps hands-on workshops, language workshops, and film trips to Ukrainian cinema, literature, and music, as all of this is something original and different from all other cultures.

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Cooperation and networking 

We are actively looking for partnerships, all with the intention of maximizing future results with other well-known clubs on campus, including the Debate Club, Consulting Club, Marketing Club, and International Relations Debate Clubs. We believe that we can work together to develop extremely interesting and interactive events. 

On the 5th of October, we are already having an event which is headlined  “InnovateXchange – Shaping the Digital Future between Ukraine and Spain”. Join us for an event where we will facilitate an exchange between Ukrainian IT professionals and Morela Skal, journalist and professor at IE Business School. The event will also serve as a great platform to network with the Ukrainian tech/digital community in Madrid.

The topic of the presentation offers participants a unique opportunity to learn how to navigate the changing digital landscape and harness its transformative power.

The event is special in that it provides an opportunity for both sides to discuss how Ukrainian and other digital technologies continue to have a huge impact in different contexts, and how the IT sector as a whole has changed since the start of the war.

Our Multifaceted Communication Channels

The IE Ukraine Club embraces the digital age while also making an impact offline, connecting with our members and the wider IE University community through various communication channels:

Join our virtual community on IE Ukraine Club’s Instagram as well as our LinkedIn profile for regular updates and exciting event announcements.We always inform our members about our latest activities and news through our informative newsletters.

Join us in the celebration of Ukrainian culture, the pursuit of knowledge, and the forging of lasting bonds within the diverse community of IE University. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and inspire positive change!

Featured photo: IE Ukraine Club

Stanislav Vynnytskyi
Stanislav Vynnytskyi
Hi there! My name is Stanislav. I am second-year BIR student. Ukrainian 🇺🇦. Occasionally write opinions as spicy as borscht (if enough spices are added).

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