IE Day: The Day We All Turn Blue


IE Day is an event to celebrate our university spirit, to come together as a community, and share experiences around the fun activities planned. This year, the IE community enjoyed a friendly competition during a scavenger hunt, followed by a day of activities to celebrate the IE spirit.

On March 12th, the scavenger hunt began, encouraging all students, faculty, and alumni to get involved. The purpose was to gather the whole IE community, participate in the friendly competition, and create the biggest scavenger hunt in history.

The students, alumni, and faculty signed up, and were given challenges everyday leading to IE Day. They posted their pictures, shared with their friends, and competed to get the best prizes. Throughout the entire competition, the app featured a leader board, where all the participants and teams could see their place in the competition and how they were doing against their friends.

“The scavenger hunt was very fun to do! I felt a sense of community with IE, when I saw all the pictures and videos people were sharing on social media!”


Eduarda was among the top players in the leader board throughout the scavenger hunt, and the lucky winner of case of Mahou beer.

The scavenger hunt ended during IE Day, on the 17th of March. On the 17th, students and faculty gathered in the MMB garden, to come together and celebrate the IE spirit.

During the event, there was music, raffles, and an atmosphere of fun and friendship. The guest of honour, Cammie, was there cheering and dancing to delight the people there. There was also a huge puzzle from the beginning of the event, which was solved to show Cammie being found.

During the IE Day celebrations, students and faculty that were involved received great prizes as a reminder of their celebration of IE spirit. Qatar airways awarded the top prize for the winner of a scavenger hunt, who will have the chance to travel with this airline very soon.

The alumni association also gave out 5 alumni+ memberships, which will give the winners benefits like access to exclusive networking events, subscriptions to executive career coaching, and many more.

Other prizes were also given out, including access to events with Mahou and Red Bull, skincare baskets from Natura, and much more.

Clubs planned events and activities to celebrate the IE spirit as well. The Dance Club collaborated with the Yes Theory Club to plan a dance workshop, for the IE community members to get to know each other, share a common passion, and have some fun. Also, the Music Club put on a performance during IE Day, to add to the fun going on.

IE Day was a great opportunity for students, alumni, and faculty to gather and let out their community spirit. It was a chance for the members of IE to get to know each other, and to take the morning to celebrate the community that brings us all together.

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