Jewelry trends for Summer 2021

It is undeniable that an outfit is barely ever complete, unless you add the right piece of jewelry to it. In fact, jewelry plays...

The Aftermath of the Pandemic: Mental Health

It’s been over a year since the pandemic has started. Since March, all of our lives have turned upside down. When we mostly enjoyed...

The Deeper Meaning Behind the Inauguration Outfits

Fashion has always been a form of personal expression and, often even, in political situations representing messages virtually. We cannot deny that the choice...

Winter in Madrid: The Final Stretch

As crazy as this year has been and how quickly time was passing during quarantine, we have finally arrived at the end of the...

Tattoos and Professionalism in the Workplace: A Mistaken Correlation?

  I was scrolling through my Instagram when I came across a meme that said: “Tattoos should actually make you more employable because it shows...

Eva Iskandarani

7 Posts