Almost a year and a half have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, many changes have occurred worldwide. Professionals of all fields have worked thoroughly to understand and neutralize the virus. As a result, various vaccines have been developed and made readily available to all individuals. These developments have relaxed the preventive measures established in response to the virus and for individuals to gradually return to their everyday lives.
So far, in Spain, there have been 4,770,453 people confirmed with COVID-19 and a total of 83.136 deaths. From August 17 to the 18, there have been 12,843 new cases and 135 deaths because of COVID-19. Currently, the rate of confirmed COVID-19 patients can be moderate. In the last 14 days, there have been about 346.57 for one hundred thousand inhabitants.
When analyzing this data, it is important to bear in mind that Spain is a country with a significant number of inhabitants, with a population of 47 million citizens. In 2020, around 1,350 people died from COVID-19 on average per day. Now, the fatality rate of deaths compared to the confirmed cases is 1.74% showing significant improvement in the treatment for COVID in Spain.

Overall, the vaccination plan of all Communities seems to be going well, and this reflects on the average of all Spain. In the country, more than 65% of the population is already fully vaccinated. It is estimated that by January 2022, the entire population will already be vaccinated. According to the Ministerio de Sanida’s last update on August 19, the community with the lowest percentage of people vaccinated (by population) is Melilla with 57%. The one with the highest rate is Asturias, with 73%.
The Community of Madrid, where the IEU Madrid Campus and the new IE Tower are located, has 66% of its population fully vaccinated. 70% of the population has already been vaccinated in Castile and Leon, where the IEU Segovia Campus is located. These remarkable achievements of Spain will help this new academic year to run more smoothly.
Nonetheless, it is crucial to keep in mind that being vaccinated does not mean that you cannot get COVID. Therefore, it is essential to keep on taking care of the well-being of others and our own.