Segovia’s largest student residence works tightly with IE University administration and health officials. Spring break just ended last week and IE’s medical team has already detected 3 active COVID-19 cases within the Factory Residence Hall facilities, as well as several close contacts. For this reason, in order to protect everyone’s health, their health passport has been temporarily blocked.
Throughout the day, they’ll receive an e-mail with the information about when they’ll be able to take an antigen test on IE’s infirmary tomorrow Friday, April 16th without exception. If the result of an individual’s test is NEGATIVE, their health passport will turn green and they’ll be able to access the campus as normal along with the daily follow up on the COVID-19 Tracer Web App, as all IE students have been doing this past semester.
However, if the test result is POSITIVE, one must remain in mandatory isolation for 10 days from the date of the test. At the end of the isolation period, one will have to take another antigen detection test to confirm that they have passed the disease and can access the campus. On another hand if the result is NEGATIVE and there are no mobile symptoms, the entrance to the campus will be authorized. If it is POSITIVE, one will stay 5 more days until you take another antigen detection test.
The test is mandatory since every student from the residence will not be able to have their Health Passport in green until they get tested.
It is uncertain if individuals who have already had COVID-19 and have since received a negative test result do not have to undergo this diagnostic test. But, emails will be sent tonight and tomorrow morning to each student individually who lives in the Factory and/or has had direct contact with one of the 3 active cases inside the residence. Until the results are not uploaded to the system, the red status of the Health Passport will serve as a justification for the absence of students.