IE Theatre Club Announces its Next Big Project


SEGOVIA – IE University’s theatre club announced that it will be staging a drama production in the Aula Magna on Jan. 17th.


On Friday, IE’s theatre club had its first rehearsal for its comedy-driven production, based on an opening of a new restaurant in the middle of Los Angeles during the 1970s.


“Since it’s the first time we are doing iterated improvisation, it is more experimental than anything else,” added Nivedita Hulpe, Vice President of Theatre club. As an improvised production hasn’t taken place in the Aula Magna before, “the audience should really expect for the usual theatrical norms to be broken.”


The first rehearsal took place on Friday, rehearsals are going to be taking place weekly. However, “rehearsals will eventually move to twice a week, leading up to the final week of rehearsals which will be every day, as rehearsals get more intense towards the end,” elaborated Adam Wilson Barnes, acting coach of the club. 


Every rehearsal that takes place for the first month starts off with icebreaker games so that the new actors can get to know each other well enough to create a sense of comfort when performing together. 


“One-third of our rehearsal is spent playing games to try and learn about each other, the way we work, and the way we think,” mentioned Barnes, “this is the first time we’re doing two performances and not one, so it’s essential that our actors know each other well enough to create a comfortable environment.”


Tickets are promised to be sold at €5 each, and the money collected from the production is given to charity, “the money we get from the production is given to Palladio Arte, an NGO that helps disabled people by working on self-expression through art, more specifically theatre,” said Ghali Laraqui, President of Theatre club.

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