IE Delegates Win Big at URJCMUN


The Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Campus de Móstoles, bustled with activity between the 7th & 10th of February. Over a thousand students from different universities across the continent converged for the URJC Model United Nations conference. Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations. Where students play the role of delegates from different countries, and attempt to solve real-world issues through their assigned government.

Among the participants were twelve delegates from the IE Debate Club. They were in various Spanish and English-speaking committees, including: the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), Human Rights Council (HRC), United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). 

After undergoing weeks of diligent preparation, the delegates displayed impressive skill and determination. They tirelessly negotiated resolutions, built alliances, and delivered compelling speeches that prioritized their nations’ agendas. Their hard work and dedication paid off. The delegation made history by winning awards in all the committees they participated in – a remarkable feat never achieved before in IE University history.

Their Achievements

Best Delegation

Logan Pierson-Flagg and Felipa Eichel (United Kingdom)


Alex Perez and Anna Gramann (United States of America)

Honorable Mentions

Lucía Asúnsolo Rivero and Alonso Castro Hernandez (France)


Amy Ng’eno and Emanuel Mayagoitia (United States of America)


María Amelia Frias and Mario Sans Majuelo (India)

Manuela Camarero (China)


Diego Hernández Fernández (United Kingdom)

Award Image URJCMUN 1

Mario Sans Majuelo shared his experience, highlighting the rigorous and exhaustive preparation he and his fellow members underwent to participate in the conference. He shared, “I left the conference with an expanded knowledge of public international law but also a deeper understanding of human relations, teamwork, and diplomacy.” 

“I am incredibly pleased that as leaders, we brought together such talented individuals & the team’s achievements surpassed our expectations, setting the bar very high for the other delegations,” Pablo Cuesta, the president of the IE Debate Club said, “I am extremely proud of the team, and we are all very grateful for their hard work.”

“My co-delegate Amy and I faced many challenges throughout the conference; we wouldn’t have accomplished what we did without our teamwork,” Emanuel Mayagoitia, representing the U.S. in the UNAOC said, “this conference allowed me to tackle fears while achieving goals. It also helped me develop friendships with fellow delegates, particularly my co-delegate.” 

Manu Camarero, representing China in the HRC added, “I can say it was an unforgettable experience. My committee had to be the most entertaining I’ve been a part of. It was a sweet spot where serious discussion and lighthearted banter met.”

Additionally, Mario Sans Majuelo, representing India in the UNSC committee, summarized that the conference challenged him to adapt and respond to various perspectives. The overall experience had been a valuable learning opportunity for human relations, teamwork and diplomacy. It facilitated his personal and professional growth. The URJC MUN was more than just a competition: participants honed their diplomatic skills, forged life-long connections, and joined a global community of MUN participants across Europe. 

Follow the IE Debate club’s future activities through their Instagram page, @iedebateclub. 

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