Plan your Spring Break holiday with The Stork!

IE University’s spring break this year goes from the 9th of April to the 18th. Being in Spain, there are so many beautiful domestic...

Your gift guide for this Valentine’s Day (Friends edition)

If you are single, February 14th can be one of the most dreadful days of the year. Your friends in happy relationships are all...

Your gift guide for this Valentine’s Day (Lover’s edition)

The year’s romantic holiday by excellence is just around the corner, and whether you love it or hate it, this is the one time...

Picking your campus: the first semester experience of students in Segovia and Madrid

Are you a prospective IEU student? Have you just gotten accepted and are struggling to choose which campus to commence your undergraduate studies at? Well,...

First-Year Design Student Exhibition at the Creativity Center

First-year Design and dual-degree BBA and Design students showcase their work in their own exhibition at the Creativity Center. Andrea Caruso, their professor in...

Sofia Renard Kerkoc

Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media (third-year Madrid). I’m Swiss-Spanish-American and I am interested in fashion journalism, art, and luxury marketing!
16 Posts