España Despierta: Madrid Lock-down Protest (with video)

In the late afternoon on the 23th of January, IE Student Alejandro Gamarra spotted a large gathering of people holding signs and chanting at Jardines del Descubrimiento. Gamarra abandoned his car to head for the protest to further investigate.

Exclusive Interview with Dean | Improving Diversity and Racial Relations at IE

Editor in Chief Francia Morales sat down with Dean Susana Malcorra to discuss IE's upcoming policy revisions after students called the university to action.

Re: Improving Diversity and Racial Relations at IE

Thursday, June 18 faculty members Borja Santos, Juliana Pereira, Marie Gedeon, and Susana Malcorra met with myself, student government Academics Officer Cloe Attieh, and five IE students to discuss the issues that students of color face at our university and necessary policy amendments. This is what happened.

The 3rd Royal Artillery Debate – An In-Depth Review

SEGOVIA — November 20th the IE Segovia Debate Club formal branch held its third biannual military debate with the Royal Artillery Academy of Segovia....

A Celebration of Reflection – IE Foundation Prizes in Humanities

SEGOVIA - Yesterday evening kicked off the awards ceremony for the IE Foundation Prizes in Humanities. Awards were given in the categories of Poetry,...

Francia Morales

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