Ethics, Aesthetics, and Public Discourse Through Art | IEABC (Art)icle Series

This year, the theme of ARCOmadrid (one of the leading international art fairs, and the largest in Spain) was “It’s Just A Matter of...

Deciphering the Relationship Between Art and Technology | IEABC Art(icle) Series

Last Wednesday, the IE Arts & Business Club, along with the IE Arts & Humanities Division, had the opportunity of visiting Daniel Canogar's studio—and...

The End of Fashion?

In 1989, ​Francis Fukuyama​—one of the great political scientists and intellectuals of our time—published a ground-breaking essay, which he titled ‘​The End of History?’​....

Dalí and Buñuel’s wonderfully strange contribution to 1920s cinema [Film Review & Commentary]

Salvador Dalí is best known for his role in the Surrealist movement, having produced hundreds of iconic works throughout his lifelong career as an...

Browse Art and Culture from Home: The 5+1 Best Online Locations to View Exhibitions This Month

It’s officially the beginning of a new academic year! After a seemingly-endless summer away, university has brought the student body back to reality—and with...

Covadonga Romero

7 Posts