IE-Alumni Martin Gutmann on his Book, Before the UN Sustainable Development Goals

An IE University education clearly proves that a humanistic education can easily be blended with a business one. A recent conversation with Martin Gutmann, an...

SDG Club: All About Veganuary: A Recap of January’s Plant-Based Month

Veganuary began by the UK non-profit, Vegnuary; it is a month-long challenge of plant-based eating that has come to be celebrated and practiced worldwide....

Meet the Big Data and AI Club!

Since its inception from a single Master of Big Data student in 2015, IE's Big Data and AI club has grown to be the...

Mexico’s Weed Legislation: Not All It’s Hyped Up to Be

Mexico’s projected legalization of cannabis, purportedly supported by both the president and the senate, surfaces in a country where a third of the population...

Caroline Gracia

4 Posts